NTSFL Rulebook and Policies
Administration Rules for North Tipperary Schoolchildren’s Football League
a) The North Tipperary Schoolchildren’s Football League Limited (hereinafter referred to as ‘The League’) is constituted as an Irish company limited by guarantee (not having a share capital) under the Company Registration Office (CRO), registration No: 471628
b) Participation in the soccer activities and competitions of the league shall be reserved to Clubs, and members of those Clubs (hereinafter referred to as ‘clubs’), which have become affiliated to the league in accordance with these Administration Rules.
c) In these Bye Laws, words and expressions defined in the Articles of Association of the league shall have the same meaning when used in these Administration Rules. In the case of any conflict between any provisions of the Articles and these Administration Rules, the provisions of the Articles shall prevail.
The League is an incorporated Company under the Companies Acts. The company is an Irish company limited by guarantee not having a share capital. The amalgamation of clubs shall be known as “North Tipperary Schoolchildren’s Football League Limited”.
The name of a sponsor/s shall be incorporated into the title of the League as and when the Committee deems it to be suitable.
The objective of the League shall be to promote the game of Association Football (soccer) in North Tipperary and surrounding areasthrough the setting up and playing of fixtures and competitions for underage teams boys and girls and also to carry on all associated and related activities.
3. Management of the League
(a) The business of the League shall be carried out by a Management Committee (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Management Committee’ or ‘the Committee’), and a Disciplinary Committee.
(b) The Executive Officers of the League shall be the Chairperson, the Secretary and the Treasurer.
(c) The Management Committee shall consist of the executive officers and additional members (formally known as Directors).
(d) Membership of a current club shall not disbar any individual from serving on the Committee in any capacity but any Committee member or officer must absent him/herself from, and not partake in, any discussion, debate or decision making on any matter coming before the Committee (or its sub-committees) in relation to his/her own club.
(e) The Committee shall have the sole right to utilise the League’s assets on behalf of the League.
(f) The Committee shall have power to deal as it sees fit with any matter concerning the League, its member clubs and its competitions, not otherwise mentioned within these rules.
(g) Not more than two (2) representatives from any one club shall be on the Management committee in any one year
(h) The Committee (or its sub-committee/s) may investigate any cases of rough play or misconduct and deal with referee’s reports, club complaints and protests.
(i) The Committee shall comply with all current SFAI/WFC rules relating to the forwarding of copies of requested information and records of the League to the SFAI/WFC.
(j) The Committee may set up and administer a web site dealing with the operations of the League and it shall have sole discretion over the content published on any such web site.
(k) Questions going before the Management Committee and/or any Sub-Committee(s) shall be decided by a simple majority of those present and voting.
(l) Four (4) members of the Management Committee are required to form a quorum.
(m) The Management committee shall be entitled to elect sub-committees, and, to delegate any of its powers to such Committees. The Chairperson of the Management Committee and of a sub-committee will have a casting vote as well as a deliberate vote.
(n) The Management Committee should meet at regular monthly meetings during the playing season. Meetings of the management committee may be called by the Chairperson, the Secretary or by any four members of the Management Committee.
(o) The Management Committee shall have the power to convene meetings of the membership at regular intervals during the playing season.
Chairperson: Shall chair all AGM, EGM, Committee, club delegate, and sub-committee (of which he/she is a member) meetings, he/she shall be entitled to be an ex officio member of all League sub-committees and have a vote on any matter requiring such at Committee (or sub-committee) meetings. In the event of a tied vote he/she will also have the casting vote if he/she chooses to exercise that right.
Vice-Chairperson: Shall assist the Chairperson, as required, in the carrying out of his/her duties and shall chair all meetings of the Committee in the absence of the Chairperson, in the event of the Chairperson and the Vice-Chairperson being absent from any such meeting, the Committee shall appoint a person from those present to act as Chairperson for the duration of that meeting only.
Hon. Secretary: Shall keep accurate minutes of all Committee, club delegate, AGM, EGM and any other relevant meetings where he/she is in attendance, he/she shall be entitled to be an ex officio member of all League sub-committees and issue to all clubs the minutes of delegate meetings within ten (10) days of their completion. All correspondence to the League from member clubs must be issued through the relevant club Hon. Secretary, correspondence from other sources may not be dealt with at the Committee’s discretion, all outgoing correspondence from the Committee must be issued through the League Hon. Secretary, where he/she is absent or unavailable the Committee shall appoint a substitute for such duration as it sees fit, the Committee shall have discretion over the method of correspondence to be used including the use of e-mails.
Hon. Treasurer: Shall be responsible for all financial matters concerning the League, he/she shall sign all payment cheques which must also be signed by one other co-signatory, those co-signatories shall be the current Chairman and Hon. Secretary. Shall present a financial report to all Committee and club delegate meetings, be responsible for the timely lodgement of all incoming funds with the League’s designated bankers, present a yearly audited financial report to the member clubs at the AGM, all such reports shall require to be formally adopted by the member clubs at the relevant AGM, recommend to the Committee the level of membership and registration fees to be implemented for the coming season and recommend, on an annual basis, a suitably qualified person or company to act as the League auditor the appointment of whom shall be approved for the following season by the member clubs at the relevant AGM.
Fixtures Secretary/s: Shall be responsible for the setting of all fixtures, the keeping of accurate League tables in his/her relative age group/s and have the final decision in all matters relating to his/her relevant fixtures including requests for postponements but with the exception of awarding walkovers which decisions shall be the preserve of the Committee.
P.R.O. Shall work under the sole direction of and be responsible to the League Committee for the promotion of all League activities within the policies and guidelines laid down by the Committee
SFAI/WFC Delegate/s: Shall represent the League to and liaise with the SFAI/WFC on all relevant matters and shall report as required to the Committee.
Registrar: Shall keep and store an accurate record of all team and player registrations in accordance with FAI rules for player registration. He/she will not be accountable for the accuracy or veracity of any details entered by member clubs on any player/team registration form/s received and accepted.
Committee Members: Shall carry out all duties and responsibilities assigned to them by the Committee and report as required to the Committee. No Committee member or officer may represent, take part in, debate, or in any way influence any League discussion or decision/s affecting his/her club.
Child Officer: Shall be responsible for and carry out the current regulations and policies as laid down by the FAI and any other relevant bodies.
5 Election of Officers, SUB-COMMITTEES and APPOINTMENTS
(a) The Management Committee and Executive Officers shall be elected by the registered members, present, and entitled to vote, at the Annual General Meeting of the League.
(b) Additional Officers, as deemed appropriate shall be elected at the first meeting of the Committee after the AGM.
(c) At the Annual General Meeting (AGM) each year one-third of the Directors, for the time being three, or if their number is not three or a multiple of three, then the number nearest one-third, shall retire from Office.
(d) The Management Committee to retire in every year shall be those who have been longest in Office since the last election.
(e) A retiring Management Committee member shall be eligible for re-election.
(f) Any person other than an outgoing executive officer who intends standing for election at the AGM must inform the League Secretary in writing fourteen (14) days prior to the AGM; Candidate(s) must be nominated and seconded by two (2) affiliated League Clubs.
(g) Persons nominated for executive office must have served on the Management Committee for a minimum of one (1) year immediately prior to being nominated.
(h) In the event that there are fewer members of the Management Committee seeking re-election than necessary, the Hon. Chairperson shall have the power to adjourn the meeting for an appropriate period to allow for persons to be co-opted.
(i) The Management Committee shall have power to co-opt persons to committees during the course of the year to replace persons who resign or are otherwise disqualified. The Management Committee shall have the power to (a) replace any Committee Member failing in his/her duty and (b) dissolve any Sub-Committee it has appointed.
Membership of the League is open to any soccer club the catchment area and all member clubs must satisfy the Committee regarding their playing area and changing facilities.
Membership for existing clubs is renewable prior to the start of each season by way of completing the
official application form which must be forwarded to the Hon. Secretary of the League by 30th June each year.
It shall be a strict condition of the approval of applications for League membership that each club shall have completed the relevant application form and supplied the information required thereon. Non-receipt by the League of the completed relevant application form will be taken to mean that the club/s concerned do not seek readmission for the new season.
All member clubs must notify the Hon. Secretary of the League in writing immediately of any subsequent change/s to the details on its application form.
All member clubs must have in force a current, and valid, third party liability insurance policy a copy of which must be produced if requested by the Committee.
The Committee shall have the power to remove any team or club from membership of the League for misconduct.
The Committee shall have sole control over the right of entry into the League and shall have the power to refuse to accept the entry of any team or club into the League for the following season/s if in the opinion of the Committee such a team or club’s previous misconduct warrants such a refusal.
Each member club shall be entitled to enter all of its properly registered teams into each and all of the League’s competitions at the appropriate age group/s, where a team/s ceases to be registered to the League, for whatever reason, that team/s entitlement to compete in any of the League’s competitions is automatically rescinded with immediate effect.
Where possible the Annual General Meeting of the League shall be held before the 15th of July on a date set by the Committee, at least twenty one (21) days notification shall be issued to all current member clubs of that date, the ordinary business of the AGM shall consist of:
Minutes of the previous AGM
Matters arising from same
Chairman’s address
Hon. Secretary’s report and its adoption.
Hon. Treasurer’s report on audited accounts and its adoption
Amendments/additions/deletions to these rules.
Election of League Committee.
Appointment of League auditor.
Any other business.
Each club in current membership of, and financial good standing with, the League shall be entitled to send one delegate per registered club to represent it and vote at the AGM.
These rules may only be changed at the AGM or a valid EGM and all proposed amendments/additions/deletions to these rules must be submitted in writing, to the Hon. Secretary of the League no later than fourteen (14) days prior to the relevant AGM.
All proposed amendments/additions/deletions to these rules for consideration at an AGM can only be submitted by the current Hon. Secretary of a current member club and must also be signed by the current Hon. Secretary of one other current member club, both of which clubs must be in financial good standing with the League.
A two thirds majority of those present and voting shall suffice to carry or defeat any proposed amendments/additions/deletions to these rules, provided such amendments/additions/deletions have been forwarded and received in the prescribed manner. All rules amendments/additions/deletions automatically become effective immediately upon their being adopted.
All nominations for election to the Committee must be posted to the Hon. Secretary of the League no later than fourteen (14) days prior to the relevant AGM.
All such nominations must be signed by the current Hon. Secretary of a current member club and must also be signed by the current Hon. Secretary of one other current member club, both of which clubs must be in financial good standing with the League.
Numbering/lettering of these rules shall be amended as result of any changes made at an AGM or EGM
Member clubs not in good financial standing with the League may be refused admission to, and or representation at, any AGM, Club Delegate Meeting or EGM.
Any matter not specifically covered or catered for within these rules shall be decided on by the Committee or its sub-committee, all such decisions shall be final and binding subject to onward appeal
An Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) of the League may be called at any time by the Committee.
A request for an EGM can be submitted by the member clubs and any such request must be made in writing to the League Hon. Secretary, giving at least thirty (30) days notification of such a request and be signed by the Hon. Secretaries of at least six (6) current member clubs of the League all of which clubs must be in financial good standing with the League.
Any such request from the member clubs to stage an EGM must state the business to be discussed at that EGM and only such business can be discussed at that EGM.
A non-returnable fee of €100, made payable to the League, in the form of a bank draft only must accompany any such request. Where a request from the member clubs to call an EGM has been granted by the Committee the League Hon. Secretary shall give at least 14 days notification of the date, venue and time of that EGM to the member clubs. Any proposed amendments/additions/deletions to these rules which form the basis of a request from the member clubs to call an EGM must be submitted in writing and must accompany such request as per the procedures for requesting an EGM.
Each club registered to the League and represented at an EGM shall be entitled to one vote. A simple majority of those present and voting shall decide any matter subject to a vote at an EGM. All rules amendments/additions/deletions automatically become effective immediately upon their being adopted.
(a) A meeting of delegates from all current member clubs shall be held once in each calendar quarter during the current season, notification of will be sent by email.
(b) Each member club must send one (1) delegate to such meetings, he/she must be the designated member of the relevant club or their proxy and must sign the attendance book to verify their attendance at any such meeting. Member clubs which fail to be represented at delegate meetings shall be fined for each non-attendance unless they have requested and received prior permission to be excused from attending that meeting. No member club can be granted more than two excused absences in any one season. The Committee shall investigate any further absences and may impose additional sanctions.
All member clubs of the League are bound to comply with the current requirements of the FAI and statutory bodies child welfare rules and policies which include the appointment of relevant personnel to fill the required roles as laid own in those rules and policies, the name and contact details of such personnel must be submitted to the League Hon. Secretary no later than 14 days prior to the commencement of each season.
(a) The Committee shall have the sole power to appoint and dismiss team managers or management structures for teams representing the League, such positions may or may not be advertised publicly and no monetary reward or professional contract will be entered into with any such appointee/s.
(b) Appointed team managers shall have the right to recommend assistants and structures but only the Committee shall have the right to agree to implement such structures and make any appointments.
(c) No member of any representative team management shall have the right to fund raise without prior application to and the approval of the Committee.
(d) Where Committee permission has been granted for such fundraising all monies collected must be returned to the League Hon. Treasurer and only the Committee shall decide upon its disbursement.
(e) Where vacancies arise within the representative team management structures the Committee shall have the sole right to appoint any such replacement/s.
All team managers and or their backroom staff shall be responsible for the entire actions of the relevant
(a) Any team or club wishing to transfer into or from the NTSFL must obtain and complete the official SFAI or WFC Transfer Form, the relevant form must be processed and submitted to the relevant bodies in accordance with all current rules on team/club transfers.
(b) The NTSFL shall have the right to grant or refuse any application to transfer into the League from any team/club registered to an outside League, under no circumstances will any team/club be granted such an application without the express and clear permission form its current League.
These are catered for under the Competition Rules of the League and shall be subject to annual review and alteration by the Committee.
These are catered for under the Competition Rules of the League.
These are catered for under the Competition Rules of the League.
15. Finance;
(a) All money shall be lodged in the bank to the account of “North Tipperary Schoolchildren’s Football League Limited”.
(b)The Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer shall sign cheques but two signatures shall suffice.
(c)The Management Committee shall decide the affiliation fees, competition fees and fines for each season and shall decide the deadline for receipt of such fees and fines. A schedule of fines shall be presented to the members at the first meeting of the year after the AGM for their approval. Clubs not up to date with payment by this date may forfeit all games, and incur further sanctions as deemed appropriate by the committee, until the matter is rectified at the discretion of the Management Committee.
(a) All rules in this book are applicable solely to games and competitions played under the jurisdiction of the League and shall be subject to annual review and alteration by the Committee. No jurisdiction is implied or binding regarding competitions organized by bodies other than the NTSFL
(b) The Committee or its sub-committee/s shall have the power to deal with any situation, event or circumstances which arises and is not specifically covered within these rules.
(c) No Committee member or office holder may represent, take part in, debate, or in any way influence any discussion within the Committee or decision/s taken by the Committee affecting his/her club.
(a) The Committee shall form teams into divisions for each age group on the basis of approved applications received from clubs in membership of the League at the start of each season as follows:
(c) 11-a-side games shall be organized in accordance with the current provisions of the FAI Player Development Plan.
(d) Divisions for teams will be formed by the Committee and details issued to member clubs prior to the commencement of each season, member clubs will have 14 days from the date of those being issued to request a change of team/s division and all responses by the Committee to such requests shall be final.
Team and Player Registration:
These are catered for under the Administration Rules of the League
Player Transfers
These are catered for under the Administration Rules of the League
(a) All matches, in any of the League’s competitions, shall be played according to these rules. The Committee shall be responsible for the setting up, management and control of all competitions and fixtures and no team or club may alter the fixtures details issued by the League without the express consent of the Fixture Secretary. Breach of this rule may result in disciplinary action being taken, the level of which shall be at the discretion of the Committee.
(b) The circumstances surrounding the failure of any team to fulfil its fixture/s shall be dealt with by the
Committee under the consideration of a walkover and forfeiture of the game to the opposing team.
(c) Any team conceding or deemed to have conceded a walkover by the Committee shall be liable to a fine, the level of which shall be determined by the Committee and forfeiting the game to the opposition team.
(d) Any team conceding three walkovers in any combination of fixtures set by the League in any one season shall be liable to removal from the League and all its competitions for the remainder of the relevant season.
(e) Players registered to a team removed under these circumstances shall be catered for under the provisions of Rule 12 of the League’sAdministration Rules.
(f) Any club requesting a match postponement must do so no later than14 days in advance to the Fixtures Secretary.
(g) In all games of a knock-out format the appointed referee (or his/her Committee appointed substitute) will decide if pitches are playable on the day. If pitch or weather conditions cause a postponement the home team must find an alternative pitch or the fixture will revert to their opponents ground where possible.
(h) Any game of a knockout format started and later abandoned for weather or pitch conditions shall result in loss of home advantage and the game being re-fixed in the ground of the team originally drawn away.
(i) All weather playing surfaces shall be used for games provided these are in complete compliance with, and certified as such, the current FAI standards/codes. This certification shall be available for inspection on demand.
(j) All visiting clubs must be notified by home clubs 48 hours in advance of the kickoff time should there be the possibility that an artificial surface of the required standard and certification will be used. This notification shall include any restrictions on footwear.
(k) The home team shall be responsible for stewarding and marking of the pitch and all other standard equipment for the completion of the fixture. Both teams shall each ensure they have available for use three football of the regulation size and quality at all games.
(l) Players forename and surname must be entered in block capitals on the match card, failure to adhere to this rule shall leave the offending team open to sanction by the Committee.
(m) All match cards must be filled in by a responsible adult mentor from each team. The match card must also be signed by an adult team mentor (adult for the purposes of this rule shall mean 18 years of age or older) whose signature shall attest to the eligibility and registration compliance of the players named on that card. Clubs shall bear full responsibility for all details of players named on any match card irrespective of whomever signed that match card on any club’s behalf.
(n) In Cup or knock out format games, home advantage shall apply to the team drawn firstly, this shall not apply to finals games where a neutral venue shall be nominated by the Committee.
(o) All player substitutions shall be carried in line with the provisions of the current FAI Player Development Plan.
(p) Where a clash of playing colours occurs it shall be the responsibility of the home team to change to an alternative set of playing colours.
(s) Where a team ceases to exist, for whatever reason, all results for that team in knock-out or cup competitions for that season shall stand.
(t) A claim for the awarding of a game must be sent in writing by the relevant club Hon. Secretary to the Hon. Secretary of the League within four (4) days following the fixture date for the purposes of this rule Saturdays, Sundays and Bank/Public Holidays are excluded. Decisions on the awarding of a game shall be the responsibility of the Committee\
(u) For girl’s fixtures, clubs must provide changing and toilet facilities within one (1) minutes walking distance from each ground.
(a) Any club in doubt as to the eligibility of its opponents shall, by making representations to the match referee at half time or full time, must obtain the signature and date of birth of any three opposition players. Any team’s refusal to accede to such a request will be regarded as an effort to conceal an irregularity in registration and/or over-age and shall be a breach of this rule. All such signatures and dates of birth shall form the basis of any protest and be produced at any subsequent protest hearing.
(b) Clubs may search the registration form for an opposition team by applying to the Registrar and the payment of the current search fee, a maximum of seven (7) players details may be searched under the procedures for lodging any one protest.
(c) Protests can only be lodged and dealt with by the League where they emanate from a game played by the protesting club against their opponents, no third-party protests will be dealt with by the League.
(d) Protest as to overage or any other cause must be sent by registered post to the League Hon. Secretary within four (4) days following the date of the game and be accompanied by the appropriate fee as determined by the Committee and notified to the member clubs prior to the start of each season . For the purposes of this rule Saturdays, Sundays and Bank/Public Holidays are excluded
(e) An exact copy of the protest must also be sent by registered post within the same time frame to the club against which the protest is being lodged.
(f) Protest fee/s must be sent by bank draft only to the Hon. Secretary of the League, any such fees sent by any other method will be declared invalid and nullify the protest.
(g) Protests shall be dealt with by a sub-committee of three current members of the Committee, protest sub- committee’s decisions shall be final and binding subject to the right to appeal onwards to the SFAI/WFC.
(h) No decision of the Committee or its sub-committees may be appealed to the League itself, all appeals must be directed to the SFAI/WFC in accordance with the current SFAI/WFC rules governing such appeals.
(a) All referee’s reports shall be dealt with and clubs may be required to attend at disciplinary hearings at the discretion of the Committee or its sub-committee.
(b) Players sent off are automatically suspended from their next game in the competition in which he/she was sent off. Where such a player’s team has been eliminated from the competition in question the automatic suspension will take effect for his/her next competitive game at the age group where he/she is registered. Subject to a review of the referee’s report the sanction may be increased by the investigating committee.
(c) In cases where referee’s reports indicate that players may suffer more than the automatic one game suspension a copy of the referee’s report, if available, shall be issued to the player’s club and the player and his/her club shall be offered the opportunity to attend a hearing by a disciplinary committee. Failure by the player’s club to attend this hearing shall result in the case being heard and dealt with in absentia, however the Committee shall have discretion whether or not it requires the attendance of any player.
(d) No parents of players who are the subject of any disciplinary hearing shall be permitted to attend any such hearing; the player’s club officials shall be deemed to be his/her representative at any such hearing.
(a) The awarding of trophies and or medals shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the current FAI Player Development Plan.
(b) In all age groups and formats, where applicable, teams shall be promoted or demoted prior to the start of any new season as far as possible on their standing from the previous seasons League competition.
(c) The League is the sole owner of all trophies competed for under its jurisdiction, clubs shall be responsible for the safe keeping of trophies whilst in their possession and all trophies shall be returned when requested and in good condition. Clubs returning damaged trophies, or responsible for lost trophies, will be liable for the repair or replacement of same.
(d) Any club failing to return any trophy within the time frame laid down by the Committee shall render itself liable to a fine.
(a) All member clubs are fully responsible at all times for the behavior and actions of its players, technical staff and supporters. The Committee, or its sub-committee/s, shall have the power to deal with reports or complaints against such person/s brought to its notice through whatever reporting fashion.
(b) No player shall be expected to pay any fine imposed under the jurisdiction of the League, all fines for player or adult misconduct shall be imposed against his/her club which shall be responsible for its payment as per rule.
(c) Any fine imposed, which is not the subject of an onward appeal must be paid within fourteen (14) days of the date of issuing of the notice of that fine. Failure to pay fines, within this timeframe, may result in additional sanctions being imposed.
All games shall be governed by current Fifa laws of the game including any derogations from those laws as permitted by Fifa in relation to underage football.
Duration of games shall be as provided for in the current FAI Player Development Plan
All games of a knock-out format shall if ending in a draw be decided by playing 10 minutes each half extra time. Where extra time fails to produce a winner, the game shall be decided by using Fifa penalty shoot-out rules.
In all League format games, three points will be awarded for a win, one point for a draw and no points for a loss.
In all League format competitions, the winner and runner-up teams and any possible relegation issues in all relevant divisions shall be determined by the highest number of match points accrued.
In all relevant divisions no team shall win or finish runner-up or be promoted or relegated based on goal difference or any other system other than by the number of match points accrued.
Where more than one team has accrued the same number of match points for winner or runner-up positions at the conclusion of the division’s schedule of games, a knockout basis play-off game/s shall be staged by the League to separate the relevant teams.
(j) Size of footballs to be used shall be as provided for in the current FAI Player Development Plan
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